Heartbroken to Happy in 30 Days or Less

Seven months ago, I had my heart broken. I was engaged to someone, and the wedding was getting close enough that the serious wedding planning needed to be done. My fiancé had a business conference to go to, and so I figured while he was gone, I would work on wedding plans.

While he was at the conference, I was sick. I had a nasty cold, and barely wanted to get out of bed, but I called my sisters to ask them to be bridesmaids and we excitedly chatted about the wedding and the wedding plans.

The day before he was planning on coming back, he gave me a call and said he’s going to stay a few extra days because there was a really good opportunity he wanted to follow up on. I was still sick, and my alarm bells were going off. Something was wrong and off, but I didn’t know what it was.

Being sick clogs my intuition hardcore, and makes it very hard to get clear information that I understand. My body is the receiver for the information, and if the receiver is messed up due to illness, the information can’t come through very well.

He wasn’t asking my permission, he was telling me he was staying a few extra days, and even with the warning bells going off, I was still supportive. I believe strongly that everyone is happier, healthier and better off when someone pursues his or her dreams.

A week after he left, he came back, and something felt off, still. He wasn’t reacting to me in the ways he normally did, but the next morning he suggested we go out to breakfast at our favorite spot. I figured I was imagining something, until he sat me down to tell me he felt we were moving in different directions, and that it was time to let him go.

A day or so after that, he tells me he’s moving in with the woman he stayed with during the conference, and that he had cheated during that time. The next day, he moved out and was gone.

And I was left to clean up the mess, both figuratively and literally. He hadn’t actually packed everything and had left quite a lot of stuff he wanted to keep behind, and since I wasn’t feeling amicably disposed towards him and didn’t want to see him, I packed it up.

Thirty days later I’m in a new relationship, starting a new business, and feeling only minimal hurt and anger over the breakup. It’s not completely off my radar, but I’m not harboring any major animosity toward my ex or the woman he left me for.

I’m happy.

I wanted to share my story, so you know that when I say you can go from heartbroken to happy in 30 days, I’m telling you because I’ve done it. I’ve been completely heartbroken, and I’ve been able to go from that to happy in less than 30 days.

This is important for you to know, because just about everyone has his or her heart broken at some point, and there are certain actions that will speed up the healing process, and there are certain actions that will slow it or stop it in its tracks.

There are 3 steps that you must be willing to take to be free of the pain and to find your happiness again.

Step 1: Love the Heartbreaker(s)

The first step is to make a conscious decision to love. I’m not talking about deciding to love someone new in your life, I mean make a decision to love the person (or people) who hurt you. The first thing I did after my ex moved out was to take up a meditation practice.

I meditated for 30 minutes twice a day and sent my ex and his new girlfriend as much love as I could find within myself. I forgave them as much as I could, and if I found that too difficult, I spent the time loving myself for whatever it was I was experiencing.

I loved them for being willing to follow their dreams. I loved him for telling me before we were married and for never explicitly lying about what he did. I loved her for her success and ambition, her willingness to get out there and go after what she wanted. I loved him for not drawing it out any longer (although, trying to lie to a highly intuitive person is a bad idea.)

When I experienced anger, I loved myself for wanting to defend myself and wanting to make sure I was emotionally respected and taken care of. When I was sad, I loved myself for having dreams and being brave enough to try to make those dreams come true with someone. No matter what came up, I loved myself for feeling that way.

I loved as much as I could during those half-hour sessions, and miracles started happening. I met someone who was amazingly supportive and wonderful. He was my rock during that time, and always made me feel better.

I started making friends without trying. I didn’t have the emotional energy to try, but friends kept appearing.

Business opportunities started popping up everywhere.

Love is THE most important step. If you aren’t willing to love, you will not move on. You will stay stuck in the sadness, the anger, the frustration and the hurt. I can guarantee it.

It has nothing to do with whether they deserve love (even though they do.) It has everything to do with how much YOU need it. You do not need to condone what they do in order to love them. You can abhor the pain they have created in your life and the lives of others and love them, all the same.

Want to take it to the next level? Love the actions because of the opportunities for self-discovery and awareness. Even if you choose to never experience it again, love those actions, because they are in the past. They have already happened, and not a damn thing you can do now is going to change that, so reap all the benefits from them that you can. (See Step 3 for more details.)

Loving them releases you so you can be free to be happy. Even if you can only spare 5 minutes a day to work on this, do not neglect this step.

Step 2: Let Your Feelings Be

When I wasn’t spending time consciously loving, I had many reactions. Sometimes I was thankful the wedding plans weren’t more solid when it happened. Sometimes I was pissed that he cheated while I was calling my sisters and asking them to be bridesmaids. Sometimes I was hurt because we were planning children soon, and I felt the loss of those children very deeply. Sometimes I missed him terribly, his sense of humor, his laugh, the way he did little things.

I let myself feel all of that fully. I let myself cry until I was sick of crying, and then if I wanted to cry a little more, I did. When I was angry, I let myself be angry. I vented to trusted friends who I knew would listen, and once I even burned something he left behind that I knew he wouldn’t miss. It was cathartic, but I was careful to choose something that would not be missed, so I wouldn’t produce more hurt and pain for myself or anyone else.

It didn’t matter how I felt during the healing time. I embraced it and allowed myself to feel it as fully as I possibly could. I let it flow through me, and I didn’t hold on to a single feeling. Not the sadness, the anger or the hurt. I let it pass through me as I processed what had happened.

When I was in a public place where I couldn’t cry or fully experience the emotion, I would allow myself to feel whatever I could appropriately feel in that place and time.

Step 3: Learn the Lessons

Your pain is leading you to your lessons.

I don’t care what the situation is that prompted your heartbreak, all relationships are a co-creation. You didn’t cause the person to act in any way, but you are fully responsible for your own actions and your own experience. What is hurting you most about your break up?

For me, I was most angry that I had put my life and dreams on hold so he could pursue his dreams. I was hurt by how he didn’t include me in any of the decisions leading up to this or directly after. I was disappointed when I realized how long we had left certain things unsaid between us and I saw how they festered.

My lesson was to put my dreams first, and anyone who didn’t respect that about me was free to go their own way. My lesson was to be clear on how I wanted to be treated in a relationship and to create better boundaries. My lesson was to be transparent and open about how I was feeling, so issues could be resolved quickly without festering.

So, what IS the most painful part of your breakup? What hurts the most? Why does it hurt? Discover this, and you’ll discover the lessons that you need to incorporate into your life. Learn these lessons now, and fully embrace them. Be thankful for the opportunity to learn them now.

If you follow these three steps, you will find your happiness and your passion. You will open doorways to relationships and opportunities you can’t even dream of right now. Take the time to heal and learn.

Then, be happy.

Did you get something from this article? Donations are always appreciated. <3


  1. Arlene Stanley says:


    I, your step-grandma, hold three college degrees, two of them advanced degrees in counseling psychology and I practiced the profession for 30 years. IMHO, your article is an exceptionally authentic and professionally and spiritually sound piece of work. When I heard about your intuition coaching I was a bit skeptical because this is a new concept to me. Now I can only congratulate you on forging your own path in a difficult and challenging world. I predict success for your endeavors. And I am sincerely proud to be able to claim you as a very loving, insightful, and courageous member of our family.

    1. Erin Ashley says:

      Grandma Arlene,

      Thank you so much! Your message was so sweet I almost teared up. For a long time I studied psychology and was considering being a counselor, but it never felt quite right to me. I’m glad you liked it, and I’m glad you’re proud of me and the work I’m doing.

      Love you,
      Erin Ashley

  2. Arlene Stanley says:

    Just retread this piece, and I can only say that I am doubly impressed. It was even better the second time around. Have been browsing your website and I think it is extremely well done. You are one sharp lady, IMHO. And I love you, too!

  3. Antonette says:

    Thank you for your article. I needed something like that. Been so heartbroken the past few days and it still hurts so bad. Sometimes i feel like i’ve lost part of me, the love of my life, but thats ok win some lose some. My ex led me on for a long time, while he was with someone else, and then she fell pregnant, and i was left alone and severely heartbroken. Still am. Don know what to do, where to look as i loved this guy with my whole being and unconditionally too. The day after he broke the news i found a lump in my breast and am so scared, and devastated. Going to the doc over the weekend, praying all is well because if not, i dont know how i’ll survive that

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      I’m so sorry for your heartbreak, Antonette. It sounds like you’re having a very rough time of it. Here’s a love meditation I just recorded to help you release this and move on. This is the exact meditation I talked about in the article: https://www.spiritualmechanic.com/2013/07/how-to-do-a-love-meditation-the-right-way/

      I hope the lump you found is nothing to worry about. I’m sending you love, prayers and light.


  4. j says:

    Thank you for this. There are only two emotions, love and fear. Love conquers all. Im seriously depressed from heartbreak, but when I send out love into the universe, rather than fear, I get an overwhelming feeling of peace. I had a breakdown at work todaay

  5. j says:

    Thank you for this. There are only two emotions, love and fear. Love conquers all. Im seriously depressed from heartbreak, but when I send out love into the universe, rather than fear, I get an overwhelming feeling of peace. I had a breakdown at work today because I was living in the past and in fear, than I tried your steps, and hallelujah! God is love.

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Yes! It’s amazing how they can shift your emotions and your experience. I also have a love meditation here you can try. Many people have found it helpful to forgive their exes and move forward with love. https://www.spiritualmechanic.com/2013/07/how-to-do-a-love-meditation-the-right-way/

      Sending love!

  6. lisa says:

    Hey I found this article really interesting….. Does this really work like within 30 days? I’m going through a pretty rough time at the moment. Even though I know my reltionship is over and can’t be salvaged, Im completly heartbroken and moving on with my life feels next to impossible! I’m willing to try anything but I have never meditated before x

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Hi Lisa,

      It depends on the person, but YES, in my experience, if you dedicate yourself to the process it absolutely can turn things around in 30 days. Here’s another article with a guided meditation with the process I used: https://www.spiritualmechanic.com/2013/07/how-to-do-a-love-meditation-the-right-way/

      Since it’s guided, you’ll need less meditation experience.

      Sending love!

  7. Nicole Harris says:

    Oh my goodness Erin. Thank you! I am so grateful. This is exactly what I needed right now. X

  8. manu says:

    Thank you so much for reminding me of what truly nelieve in. I just needed to read that i am on the right path. So i will keep my head up and look straught on with a smile about the past.

  9. Jay Merriman says:

    Thank you so much, you have saved me from a bleak place. I haven’t even started meditating yet. Dealing with this breakup I felt I couldn’t love this person after what they’d done to me but as soon as I realised, hold on a second you love this person just because it’s over doesn’t mean you should stop loving them and I do love her and wish her a full life filled with love and laughter, this has rescued me and I have realised I can use this in every aspect of my life, work, family anything.
    I’m sending my love all the way from England thank you so much.

  10. JA says:

    Thanks for you point of view. I was lead on. She was in love with another and kept in contact with me as a perhaps a stand in, just in case. This really caused me to have anxiety and then one day a breakdown. Now communication is cut but the scars and bruises are there and the pain is always around. I can’t wait to wake up and not think of her. We deserve good people around us and those that don’t treat us as we deserve should be kindly removed from our circle of life.

  11. Julesy says:

    Reading this has given me comfort and new ways to move forward after a recent relationship that didn’t end well.

    The way you describe let your feelings be has been of a great help and not to suppress or distract yourself from them when they do come up. Having experienced anxiety (tight chest, loss of appetite) after the relationship, also found meditation has shifted me to new place.

    Thank you for your wonderful article and sharing your wisdom.



  12. Sab says:

    That’s very nature of you to forgive and love them for the decision they made. I don’t think I would ever, in a million years, send love and forgiveness to anyone that screwed me over. So for that, bless your kind heart. I would never muster up the strength to do any of that. I’m going through a rough time right now. My ex knocked up another girl and they’re together now while I’m the side chick that he’s still in love with, but I see him in secret. It’s a long complicated story, but anyways, my poit is that I hate that girl and I hate him. I have so much despair and anger in my heart. I wish I had your mindset but I can’t find myself to. I’m too angry.

  13. E says:

    I am so glad I read this. I am having a difficult time sleeping tonight, my son is 2 yrs old. His father wanted me to have an abortion when I became pregnant, but I chose life. It hasn’t been an easy journey, as he was not very supportive. He came around once the baby was born. We had a good relationship prior to the pregnancy, but commitment was always an issue. In many ways I was left wanting more. Throughout these two years I have raised my son on my own and supported him financially, I regret how accommodating I have been with his father. He still has been unable to commit, but we have been together/living separately this entire time. It’s very damaging, he doesn’t commit and it’s as though he visits my son and I like we are a convenience. I thought things were getting better, we would do things like a family and he would stay the night more frequently. But since the end of March he has been acting very different, states he wants to take a break from us, says that he isn’t seeing anyone. But I had my suspicions of course and I am not proud of my method for finding out. But I stumbled across emails from him and another women. they have been meeting and delivering lunch to each other and I am sure there must be more evidence on his phone. She is a student close to his work. I feel crushed and even though I have proof, he denies the whole situation. I am devastated that he cannot just be honest. We just got back from a Memorial Day weekend trip to visit family, and it makes me sick how fake he was with both of our families, he is a liar. He sent her an email the day we drove to Arizona, which was Friday and then I wondered why this week on Wednesday I was off from work and was near his place of work on a scenic run, I offered to meet and bring him lunch, but he declined. Now I realize most likely why, because he must have had plans to meet with the other lady. I have put my life on hold, wanting to believe there was hope that we would become a full time family, but he has thrown everything away. I am in the process of trying to figure out my next steps for visitation, because I cannot bear to see him or have him visiting our son at my house any more. I luckily have full legal and physical custody through the court, he never fought me and listed in that document it states, wed evenings couple of hours, no over might and same every other Saturday. I feel bad cutting my sons time with his father, but I really don’t view him as being a responsible person or someone who has his sons best interest. It is like he has amnesia and will forget how terrible he was to me and always avoids the issue, because he always texts me so nonchalant the next day. I am curious to see what will happen tomorrow. He denies that he is seeing anyone even though I have proof and I am not seeing things. He has never been able to tell me yes or no with certainty. I just hurt so bad, we were supposed to go to counseling this Friday, but now I don’t know if we will be attending together. I don’t feel as though he has made the decision to work things out and better his family, if he has already made the decision to start seeing someone. I have been in limbo for too long, I long to find someone that can cherish and love my son and I. I long so bad to have a full time family. I know I have a lot to offer. I am a business professional with a great career, he has made me doubt myself so many times, and feel inadequate, when I know I am worthy of being loved. I regret texting the girl that he has been seeing, but I felt like she needed to know that he has a family and that I have been fighting so desperately to save our family. She hasn’t responded and it’s almost been a day, that hurts, I guess I expected her to be sympathic and either admit that she knew about us or that he didn’t divulge any of that information. At any rate, I know I need to move on, he has subjected me to enough emotional and verbal damage. Tomorrow I start a new position with my company and I can’t sleep and feel sick to my stomach. I know this too shall pass and I have been through so much hurt and pain in the past 3 years, pregnant alone, never fully getting what I need relationship wise from my sons father. I hope to be able to use your steps, I need to be in a better place soon and fast 🙁
    It definitely complicates things when there is a child involved, I am trying not to be selfish and only think of myself, but he clearly is able to throw his family away like garbage just like that. Any advice appreciated. I also appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my story.

  14. GuaKamolee says:

    Best advice ever. <3

  15. GuaKamolee says:

    E, I really think you should see someone about you problem. You knew he didn’t want to have a family, that he didn’t want the baby, and when you took that on, you had to do it for yourself, not for the purpose of convicing him of something else in the future. You may be having a harder time with this due to an existing condition. Chronic stress, depression,etc. See if there’s anything there holding you back, that way you can better understand yourself, not him.

  16. Thank you so much. So much. I don’t know what I would’ve done without this.

  17. Muz says:

    I’m not much for the meditation side of things. Talking about things is more where I’m at. However, going through the heartbreak of a relationship that didn’t work out and scouring the internet for answers. I came across your article and to me it gave me some comfort and good advice for moving forward. Thank you.

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      You’re very welcome! If talking it through works for you, that’s fabulous! There’s a time and place for all types of healing.

  18. KW says:

    I just wanted to say that this article helped me so much, not only with heartbreak but with life in general! The loving concept you used is so beautifully explained and I’ve really never read an article so helpful in this subject. Just wanted to let you know that your work is greatly appreciated and it probably is the reason I’m alive today. Peace love and positivity 🙂

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      I’m so glad it helped you in that way! May you be blessed.

  19. aubonpain says:

    Thank you. I needed to read this at this very moment.

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