The HUGE Lesson Marie Forleo Taught Me About Intuition

In March 2009 a friend of mine suggested I read “Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep From Dating Yourself!” written by Marie Forleo. He was someone I trusted, and I wanted to have a soul level connection with someone, so I got the book immediately.

I read it in about two days, and started making suggested changes in how present I was and throwing out old beliefs that weren’t attractive or beneficial to hold on to. I enjoyed her style enough that I immediately hopped on her emailing list.A few months later, I’m in a fantastic relationship when I find out about her 2009 Rich Happy and Hot Live workshop.

When I read about this workshop, I know that this is where I need to be. Every intuitive signal I had went off that I was supposed to be at this event. I knew going would be transformational, empowering, and would allow me to break through self-imposed barriers to success that were completely unnecessary.

In the newsletter Marie sent out for this event, she started describing a type of entrepreneurial woman, and I mentally checked off every quality she listed. I was so pumped up about this I sent her an email letting her know she described me to a “t” and that I had no idea how I was going to get to the workshop, but that I would get there.

Fast forward a few months. I’m at home, sitting at my laptop, looking at pictures for Rich Happy and Hot Live, and I can’t figure out how to get there. It starts in less than a week, and I’ve all but given up hope. I have no ideas for how to get there, I have no leads, and I don’t have the money in the account to make it happen.

End of story, I don’t go.

My Mistake

So, what happened? Was my intuition wrong? The mistake had nothing to do with my intuition and everything to do with the actions I didn’t take in order to make it happen. I was new to accessing and using my intuition, and I held a very common belief that when you get an intuitive hit, it’s destined to happen. That’s a load of BS.

Your intuition is a huge gift that allows you to tap into your inner wisdom and guides you to right thought and right action, but it can’t make you take that action and it can’t make you think those thoughts. You have free will, and with free will comes the ability to decide to not only trust your intuition but to act on it.

Or to simply sit around in your living room and wait for magic to happen, because you got an intuitive hit, so obviously it’s going to happen regardless of what actions you take.

As ridiculous as it sounds now, I honestly believed that because I had the intuitive hit, that I was going to the workshop. I had no idea that I had to meet my intuitive vision.

Intuition + Action

When you’re driving down a highway, and you know where you want to go, you see the sign for the proper exit and you take it. Your intuition is no different. It lets you know when you need to turn, when you’re on the right track, and it also helps you figure out where you’d like to be.

This is why we often call an intuitive hit or a synchronicity a “sign.” It’s saying “turn here” or “avoid that person.” It is nothing more. It doesn’t cause you to do the work, and it doesn’t magically make things happen for you.

When you are in alignment and taking right action, everything feels like magic. It can be so easily and effortless that it doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything but having fun, but make no mistake, it’s right action coupled with your intuitive hit that gets you where you want to go.

When I got that strong intuitive hit that I needed to be at Rich Happy and Hot Live, it wasn’t something that was predetermined. It was a sign that it was a great move and that it was within my reach. It was a sign post for the life I wanted to lead saying, “Exit here! Awesomeness will ensue!”

Here’s what I want to leave you with, the big take-away lesson: Don’t give your power away. The intuition is a guide, but your decisions are always yours. No one else makes them for you, and no one else takes your action for you.


  1. Denise Duffield-Thomas says:

    That’s an awesome story! I actually love that you didn’t go – I thought it was going to be a happy ending – but your realisation was even better. Are you going to RHH Live this year? Hope so! I’m coming over from Oz.

    xx Denise DT

    1. Erin Ashley says:

      Thanks! It all depends on what Marie decides for her contest, but next year I will DEFINITELY be there! 🙂

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