Why I Offer Email Readings

When someone is interested in booking a reading with me, the question I get asked most often is “Why email readings instead of in person or phone readings?”

While most psychics and intuitives I know offer phone readings or in person readings exclusively, it’s a great question. And I get asked it so often, that I thought it deserved to be addressed in a way that everyone could read and understand.

1. It’s the most pure

While many people fear that email readings might be cold or impersonal, the exact opposite is true. It’s by far the most personal form of intuitive reading because I have no knowledge of you before I do the reading, other than the questions you are asking, if you’ve ordered a reading that involves questions.

Most of my reading options involve an order and a picture. So when I tune in, I have no knowledge of you before I connect to the guides. This means that I can’t cold read, nor can I project my own opinions, because I haven’t formed any. I haven’t heard your voice, I don’t know your life story, and I have to rely on everything the guides say.

Basically, I can’t contaminate the reading with my ego or personal judgments.

When you order an email reading, you know that I can’t use any fishing or cold-reading techniques, because you aren’t physically present to “give away” your expectations.

It’s the most pure option for this very reason.

This means that what comes through is exactly what your guides want you to know. It’s exactly what THEY want to communicate to YOU, so it’s exceptionally personal.

2. Control over quality

I have a very specific process for making sure I’m in the highest vibration for a reading. When someone books a reading with me, I give them the highest quality possible, and sometimes that takes time.

Sometimes getting to the proper vibrations takes me less than 5 minutes, and other times it takes 2 hours. Because I’m so dedicated to providing exceptional quality, I absolutely will not start a reading until I’m in the highest possible vibrations. If it takes me 2 hours, then it takes me 2 hours.

If I were to offer in person or phone readings, then it would be very difficult to consistently offer this level of quality. With email readings, I can take as long as I need to in order to be sufficiently tuned in. Then, from this place, I can do the reading and know that I have provided the best possible quality.

3. Guides often give very specific direction and advice

When I tune into the guides, they often have very specific wording and offer specific action steps. I’ve found that in an in-person reading or a reading on the phone, sometimes those specifics are lost or misinterpreted by the client. It’s easy to do, and completely understandable.

Have you ever talked with someone and heard one thing, only to later find out they intended to communicate something completely different? It’s no different when talking to the guides.

When it’s in writing, you can go back many times over to see what they really said, and to look at how closely you’ve followed their advice and direction.


These are a few of the reasons I really like email readings. And, of course, if anyone has questions about what the guides have said in an email reading, they can always email me and I’ll clear up any confusion as quickly as possible.

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