What is Your Guilt Trying to Teach You?

Guilt is one of those emotions I really love to hate.

I don’t enjoy it, I want it gone the second I recognize its presence and I would REALLY like to write it off as a useless emotion that I never have to spend any time on.

Unfortunately for me, guilt is an emotion that is here to be a teacher.

It’s here to guide me (and you) to my highest truth and to reveal where my thoughts, actions and beliefs don’t match up to my highest expression of self.

Yup, that’s right. Guilt is a good thing.

IF you know how to listen to what it’s telling you.

Guilt Leads You to Your Truth

Every time I experience guilt, there is something I am thinking, believing or doing that is not in alignment with who I am at my deepest core.

The other day I was talking to a friend over coffee, and she mentioned how she felt someone had been looking at her, and she felt like he had been trying to see into her, psychically.

The first thing I did was explain that some people are psychic voyeurs. They will look into someone psychically for information simply because the want the information, not because they’ve been invited to do so, but simply because they can and the information is available to them.

I likened it to looking into someone’s purse that’s left out. Rummaging through it without permission is rude.

Then, I asked to see his picture … to see if that’s what was going on.

I’m sure you’re seeing where this is going.

I saw his picture, saw that there was zero malicious intent and … BAM … I got slammed with guilt.

Why? Because I was out of alignment with my own personal values.

I was taking the exact action I had just condemned, and my emotion of guilt was simply saying, “Hey, this isn’t YOU.”

I love solving problems, but this problem wasn’t mine to solve, and the guilt was a reminder to stay in my own truth and power.

It was a reminder to stay true to my own code of ethics.

The second I acknowledged it, and made a commitment to stay true to my code of ethics, the guilt went away.

It had delivered its message.

This is an example of an action, but guilt responds to beliefs and thoughts, as well.

If you take a moment to think, “I’m not worthy and I suck” chances are you’ll feel a negative emotion, whether it’s guilt or not. Basically, the emotion is responding to the thought. The emotion is letting you know that thought is complete bull.

When your guilt gets triggered, look at these three things.

  1. What was I thinking or doing right before the guilt hit?
  2. Is that thought, belief or action supporting my highest expression of self? Does it express the best of who I am?
  3. What is the thought, belief or action that needs to replace the one that caused the guilt?

1. What was I thinking or doing right before the guilt hit?

Was there an old pattern of belief that popped up for you? Did you do something that was out of alignment of who you really are? Take note of this. If you can, write it out on paper.

2. Is that thought, belief or action supporting my highest expression of self? Does it express the best of who I am?

If you are getting hit with the guilt gremlin, I can guarantee the answer to this question is a “no,” but ask it anyway. Explore how the thought, belief or action isn’t in alignment. The more clarity you get about how and why it’s not in alignment, the better you’ll be able to make the proper adjustments.

3. What is the thought, belief or action that needs to replace the one that caused the guilt?

This is the most important step! If your thought was that you aren’t good enough, then your replacement thought might be that you are inherently good and worthy. Come up with several different options, and feel out which one is the most powerful. The one that resonates most with you is the right one.

Have thoughts and insights about guilt? Share in the comments!

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