The Power of Alignment

Alignment picIn spiritual circles, we like to throw out the word “alignment” a lot. It’s a great word!

It can mean so many things, and there are so many applications to real life it’s almost overwhelming.

If your back is out of alignment, you get all kinds of aches and pains.

If your beliefs are out of alignment, your emotions create pain.

But how do you use it in a practical manner? Can it actually help you get real world stuff and things and gadgets?

Yes. Yes it can.

First, let’s go over what alignment even is (and isn’t).


Alignment is the woo-woo fuzzy word for having your ducks in a row. Your internal beliefs, your energetic focus, your words and your actions are all doing the same damn thing.

If you want a new car, your internal belief is, “I can have a new car.”

You have some sort of energy directed toward that goal, too. You have a plan, whether it’s “woo woo” or “real world”, there IS action being taken toward your goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at a note card 3x a day, releasing negative beliefs, and allowing it to show up OR if you are scheduling an extra 2 hours of sales calls a day to make it happen. It matters that your plans fit with what you believe about how things happen.


Your words are that of someone who believes they can have a new car, so you’re NOT going around saying things like, “Yeah, I’ll get a new car when I do …. [insert x, y or z here].” Instead, you’re actually comparing the features of cars and discussing the benefits of different makes and models.

Your actions are consistent. No matter what you believe, you take the consistent actions to make it happen.

That’s alignment. Every part of your being AND doing is focused on the same thing.

You aren’t going in ten million directions. You are going in ONE focused direction.

Real World Results

Once you’re in alignment, you’re set up for real world results.

I’m not too shabby at aligning, but my husband, James Kerti, is a rock star at it.

In the past year I’ve watched him align his way into:

  • Becoming a professional basketball scout and analyst (a childhood dream of his).
  • Getting free groceries. Twice.
  • Getting through airport security without having to go through the “cancer machine” or needing to be pat down.
  • Getting a new cat that thinks it lives at our house (it doesn’t, but don’t tell him or the cat ;-).
  • A crap load of other stuff.

That’s not all that can be done with it, either.

Anything you want, you can have, so long as you are aligned.

How to Get Aligned

Getting aligned is simple, but depending on how experienced you are at resisting, it may not be easy.

1. Decide what you want. And when I say “decide” I don’t mean just make an airy fairy desire, I mean actually DECIDE that you want it.

2. Decide you are worthy of it. If you have any parts of yourself that are arguing with your worthiness, simply tell them “Hush. I am worthy because I’ve decided it is so.” And it is.

3. Create a plan of action when you are feeling inspired. Don’t do this part if you’re still battling the worthiness demons! That plan is doomed. Go back to the drawing board, and wait until you feel inspired. The second you feel inspired, create a plan of action.

4. Act in accordance with your plans, regardless of whether you’re inspired in that very moment or  not. If it’s in your plans, and the plans were created while in a high vibration and inspired state, act.

5. Speak with faith. Either don’t talk about your plans OR talk about them in the present tense as a work in progress. But don’t talk about them as if they’re done if they’re not done. The universe responds to your words, so if you say “It’s already done” then the universe doesn’t have a thing to do, now does it? Also, if you say “I’m not ready” or “I can’t afford it” the universe will honor that request, too.

6. Enjoy your goodies.

That’s the secret formula, yo! So go forth and be aligned! Create anything and everything you desire!

Oh, and if you have other tips that will help people who want to be aligned and make shit happen, comment below and share the knowledge.


  1. Amelia Wiederaenders says:

    Love it! I like the part about being a work in progress the best. I’ve had people tell me before to act like its already done, and that always trips me up. 😀

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      It tripped me up, too! It’s the one thing I wish others had made clear when teaching the law of attraction. 🙂

  2. Adriana willard says:

    I would like to add that it really helps to place no limits in what you allow yourself to imagine that you are having, then assume that you already are what you want to be and start feeling it.
    Feeling any state you wish to achieve is the experience that impresses it on the subconscious.
    The subconscious mind possesses the power to manifest physical reality from thought.

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Oooh, that’s a good one. Thanks Adriana!


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