Inner Steel Coaching – 15 Day Confidence Coaching for Sensitive People

Imagine a world where every person who felt a strong calling to help heal the world stood up and heeded the call.

That’s a beautiful world. That’s one I imagine everyday.

Imagine a world where every time YOU felt called by your soul to work on something, you could do it with confidence and a full sense of faith that all-is-well with the world.

The problem is that psychically and energetically sensitive people have chronic confidence and empowerment issues. 

And I heard about it in my classes.

I heard about it in my coaching calls.

I got so used to hearing it that most of my readings for fellow highly intuitive people would sound something like this:

“I’m looking at your solar plexus chakra, which has to do with self-esteem, empowerment, feelings of worthiness and how well you are going after your goals. What I’m seeing is that it’s a little small. It doesn’t look like you feel empowered, even though you have a clear vision of what you want to bring into the world. Oh, wait. I see you’re intuitive. Yup, this is normal. Sorry.”

Of course, I didn’t leave them hanging. I’d always give my clients the exact process their guides recommended to help them get back in touch with their power.

But I was SICK of seeing the exact same “I’m not worthy and feel helpless” energetic pattern in all of my beautiful, amazing, and spiritually called clients.

I was sick of feeling the need to apologize to people for the burden of being sensitive.

Furthermore, guess who is also a highly intuitive person?

Yeah. I am.

And I was not immune to the barrages of low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, unworthiness, and all the frustration that comes from having a clear vision but not acting on it because of all these awful feelings.

It was much easier (and often times healthier) to hide my light.

If I encountered too much internal resistance, I would make myself physically sick.

And it sucked.

I had a clear vision of what I wanted to bring to life into the world, but I couldn’t make it happen. I couldn’t get myself moving at the speed I wanted because of those feelings of overwhelm, unworthiness, and low self-esteem. 

Having a clear vision but STILL being stuck was one of the most frustrating experiences of my life.

I wanted to move forward desperately but couldn’t get traction or momentum.

Of course, you know the story’s not going to end there.

I don’t settle.

And more importantly, I don’t want YOU to settle, either.

So I did my thing. I sought techniques.

I tried a whole lot of crap that didn’t work. I tried a few things that worked a little.

I kept looking.

Then, research met magic.

I finally discovered a scientifically proven (!!!) way to get my physiology on board with my spirituality.

My body could finally work in sync with my spiritual vision.

I cannot even TELL you how excited I was.

I decided I’d try to teach the technique to a few other sensitives to see if it worked on them, too.

It did.

So I reached out to some sensitives who owned their own businesses to see if it would help them. After all, a sensitive who is in business has all the same issues, but no time for BS.

It worked for them, too.

Do you know the best part?

It only takes 10 minutes a day to be sensitive AND strong.

It doesn’t require hours of journaling.

It doesn’t require a huge commitment.

Five minutes. Twice a day.

And it’s not even hard work.

It’s so easy you can hide away in a public restroom and do it.

Or teach your kids and have them follow along.

All you do is strike a pose for 5 minutes while thinking about either a goal or an insecurity. (Actually, there are 5 poses, but you’ll learn all about them when you get in on the coaching.)

And your body does the work for you because unless you’re being chased by a cheetah, your body CANNOT maintain a stressed out, low power, low self-esteem, frustrated biochemistry while in this pose.

It just can’t.

So when you pair the pose while thinking about your goal or your insecurity, your physiology gets rewired to associate this new feeling of empowerment and confidence with your goal or (now cured) insecurity.

The catch?

It has to be done consistently, just like brushing your teeth.

Five minutes a day.

Every day.

Which is where I come in.

But first, I want you to imagine a world where you can easily bring your best self to the game of life.

Where everyday you knew you could handle anything the world sent at you.

Let me tell you a story about what this looks like. A few days ago, when I was working on this very program, I had an intense coaching session. (For clarity’s sake, I was the one being coached.)

The questions were quick and numerous and I didn’t have it all figured out yet, which is one of my BIGGEST triggers.

I broke down and cried.

Now, I know you were expecting me to tell you that I was fine and dandy, right? Nope. I cried. There were tears and insecurities and all kinds of icky, unpleasant emotions.

Normally, that would have knocked me off my game for at LEAST a few hours. I’d be embarrassed I cried, ashamed I didn’t have all the answers yet, frustrated I looked like an idiot in front of someone, and insecure that they were secretly deciding I was the least professional person they’ve ever worked with.

In the past, it wouldn’t be unheard of for it to keep me off my game for the rest of the day.

Instead, I took a few deep breaths, got a drink of water, and was calm, collected and focused again in less than 15 minutes.

I had the resiliency I always heard about from other people. I got to BRUSH SOMETHING OFF!

And I want that for you.

This technique isn’t going to keep you from ever feeling insecure, but it will help you keep those insecurities to a minimum, give you a tool you can use IMMEDIATELY when you do encounter something, and you’ll get the resiliency you need to bounce back quickly.

Without losing touch with the beautiful sensitivity that you were born with.

Let me show you how.


  1. Kelly says:

    I just did your free meditation and LOVED it!! Perfect!
    Thank you, Kelly 🙂

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Oh, I’m so glad you loved it, Kelly!!! Sending you lots of love!

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