Here in Kerti Land we just moved a thousand miles with four cats. It’s the middle of December and ooh, boy, am I feeling the stress.
Here in the Kerti House, we celebrate Christmas, and this year we haven’t put up the tree yet, since we haven’t even finished unpacking all of our clothes yet.
(The Christmas tree will be up tomorrow… maybe.)
And with all this “stuff” going on, I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to just release all that stress? To let it go?
Yes, it would.
So I created a meditation that’s only 5 minutes to help us all do just that, regardless of whether you celebrate the season, or are simply a sensitive person who is picking up on all the stress from people who DO celebrate (and stress out).
Simply click below to listen to the meditation or right click to save it to listen whenever you like.
Holiday Stress Release Meditation
If you know anyone who would love a 5 minute meditation to help them release the holiday stress, feel free to share it.
Sending love,
Reverend Kerti