What to do When Your Intuition Goes Quiet

A few months ago I had a quiet spell with my intuition. I heard very little guidance other than when I was actively doing readings for someone else or doing a shamanic clearing session.

To say I was frustrated by this would be an understatement. I like my intuition like I like my music – loud. Practically burst your eardrum loud (but not quite.)

I don’t like not knowing exactly what to do next on my physical life journey. (But I still want a *little* mystery, to keep things interesting. 😉 )

This isn’t exactly a new occurrence. Sometimes the intuition just seems to get quiet.

In this Psychic Sunday video below, I talk about the three reasons it happens and what to do about it.

Once you’ve watched the video I want to know…

  1. Have you ever gone through a “quiet” period with your intuition?
  2. What did you do to get your connection back?

Comment below, and as always, thanks for watching.



Rev. Kerti


  1. Newbie says:

    Very informative! Thank you.
    I am new at actively using my intuition. It has taken me a long time to make the decision to develop it. I sincerely want to help others with this gift. So far it would appear I’m clairvoyant and also use automatic writing quite easily. Would that fall under claraudience? I’m not sure. I tend to not get loud signs unless I’m actively sitting with a pen and paper. My writing so far only talks about me, and what the other side wants me to do and what to expect as I develop. I also occasionally have people that I don’t know pop into my head….I can describe them in detail, and usually they are showing me symbols. But I have no idea where to go from there. I’ve asked for more clarity …..I guess I’ll know when it happens….thanks again for today’s great topic
    If there is anything you can offer for guidance I would be most appreciative!

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Automatic writing usually falls under claircognizance, but if you hear the words to write, it is definitely clairaudience. 🙂 Those people with symbols may be different guides with messages for you. As you practice interpretation, it will get easier to understand what they are saying. 😉

  2. Rose says:

    This is just started happening with me; I used to get different smell for incidences; But now I started seeing things little bit sort of; …. but, I was not aware about it and was wondering why my smell stuff is not working properly these days ….. Thank you so much for this video .

    And also another experience is ; few months back (around 8/9 months back) the first time in my life I really heard someone telling me ” you should go and sit and talk to your aunt for some time ” ( actually we have some property issue with my aunt) — and I dont want to meet her or talk to her because even if I speak with her through phone —- i get heart pain at least for the next one month. So I am sooo scared to talk to her .
    I heard the above sentence ; soemone telling me inside my heart while I was thinking something else entirely different . I really heard this sentence from my heart and was so surprised. This was the first time I heard someone telling me something from inside of me ; I think this may be clairaudiene — though not sure —– Though i remember that all the time ; I ignored that and I dont have the courage to go to my aunt and speak to her. After that I never heard anyone taking to me like that from inside of me !!!!!
    So I got message for this also from this video. Thank you so much Erin; I dont know how to say thanks to you …. I can only wish let God Bless you Sooooo much !!!!! Thank you.

  3. Kristina says:

    Great video, yes, very helpful. Thank you !
    I think all 3 reasons applie to me. Could also a trauma (past live, God imagine in childhood or some bad event) cause no access to my intution ? I can remember that after the death of my grandmother seveal years ago, I started to be more and more disconnected and I relied only on my ratio (and even did not notice this disconnection).
    E.g. I know that some former friends I did not listen for long time and they made a couple and had a child, will not be together in 3 years….not sure whether I don´t make it up because I was angry at them (my anger makes it difficult to me to trust this knowing), but it is a clear message.
    Sometimes, I used to know when someone will die when being ill (this one, I also don´t like much to listen). Interesingly, I must know the person, the more I know about them, the clearer message I receive.
    Also I can feel in my body -this one is completely a new one, and I am not much willing to pay attention because it is not comfortable ( I have rare “good intuition”, mainly red flags -intuition) and I tend to deny “bad things”.
    Last weeks, I visited a healer who gives some energy to sick bodies via energy in his hands and I am very attached to my healing, happy that finally I found someone. I felt very bad about him the first visit in sense that he will not help me. But I wanted to make it happen and continued seeing him. Third time I said something he did not like (something about corruption in my country) and he started to pull away, excuses that he is sick for a next visite, then it was ok again, but he did nothing next time and let me come from a far distance.. I was partially devasted that I failed my own healing again (my fault, I said something wrong), but actually …I felt it first time clearly : red flag, stop, he cannot help me. The hope to get better is not yet the reality. I still tend to see the guilt on my side, that I blow it somehow, but on the other hand, without paying more attention this uncomfortable irrational feeling, I would have been much more done emotionally today.

    These two don´t come both, like adding, at the same time, but usually separately. Sometimes, when I don´t pay attention to the one part of intuition, the other one can follow.
    Only 2times it happened to me, that I saw ( some turning “air-water-transparent” substance around the chest area of the person, clearly having a “dangerous attachement” -like turning in a wrong area, maybe aura ?) -in two seem- to -be narcissistic people (first one, I did not pay attention and he was then my boyfriend which lead to a huge shock to me later and onset of an illness, second time I did, and it helped me to keep myself emotionally more safe).
    I had not had the “audio” intuition.

  4. Kimberly Southcott says:

    Thank you! Great video with a lot of good techniques to use!

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