Ask Armani #4: How to deal with the news and social media in 2017

Every Wednesday, I ask Armani a few questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers.

Armani is the collective consciousness of some non-physical peeps who love vibration and the law of attraction.

Read on to see questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers followed by Armani’s responses.

Scroll all the way to the bottom to learn how you can get your question answered!


Dear Armani,

I, like Erin-Ashley and many others in the Spiritual Mechanic group, am an empath. My question is around how to deal with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment, whilst also living my purpose on this planet.

I’m a musician and I know my purpose is to spread Love through my music. However, everything that is going on all around the world, from terrorism, to gun-violence by police, to the Grenfell Fire and austerity, to trans women getting murdered, is really taking its toll on me emotionally. I feel very drained whenever I read the news or go on social media. I use social media for my music business so it’s hard to ignore.

I’m also finding resistance to totally shutting myself off from what’s happening because I feel like I *should* know what’s going on. I’m also experiencing a lot of guilt when I see what’s happening in the world and it stops me from manifesting money from my business because I think, “Why should I have more when so many have so little?” I feel guilty for focusing on something as frivolous as music when so much is going on causing pain for so many others. I fear that if I cut off from the news/social media and don’t use my voice I’m becoming complicit in what’s going on

I would love any advice you have on how to navigate this!

Love, E xo

Dearest E,

When your cup is empty, you have nothing to give. We have several suggestions for you.

First, focus on what you were called here to do. Make your beautiful music and express what is within you. Everything that detracts from that is unnecessary for your purpose.

It is understandable that you wish to stay aware of all that is happening. We understand there are shifts in world politics that leave many feeling fearful and overwhelmed.

The truth is that if focusing on the news or current events is draining you to the point that you cannot honor your calling, then you’re not doing anyone any favors by tuning in.

It’s just fear tricking you into thinking that it is important to know.

It is better to live your purpose and not watch the news than to watch the news and leave the songs within you unsung.

That being said, if you still find there is a heart’s desire to watch the news and stay informed, turn it into a loving practice. Actively send love and peace to yourself (first), then all those you read about including those you like the least (especially those.)

Love is the most powerful force for good that we have on any plane – physical or non-physical. Give it freely. Honor your calling. Let the fear go. Trust in your own innate safety.

When it comes to your fears surrounding money, unless you are stealing money from people, you have nothing to worry about. You can choose to allocate the money you attract in any way you see fit. You can make a lot and keep all of it, or you can make a lot and give the majority of it away.

What is right for you is whatever you feel called to do.


Good afternoon Armani,

I am having a difficult time with my career path. I keep running into negativity & difficult situations. I focus on positivity and silently bless my difficult colleagues/ work situation.

I am in the process of trying to manifest a positive new career. Any help or advice?

Thank you, much love,
Lara W.

Dear Lara,

We love that you are sending love and blessings to your difficult colleagues and current work situation. Love is the fastest, surest way to clear what is no longer here to serve you and welcome in what you desire.

For you, we recommend that you also send the same amount of emotional and love energy to the career you DO want. Take the time to daydream about what the new career looks like while deeply feeling and seeing all aspects of that creation that arise naturally. Feel into the loving support that you’re attracting.

Welcome new opportunities into your awareness. (They already exist. It’s about bringing the awareness to them.)

When you see a new opportunity that lights you up and feels aligned, take action on it as quickly as you can.

The universe loves fast, aligned action!

You are well on your way!


Not sure how to go about this.

I just have a problem letting go of the bad stuff.

I hang on to it, think about it and let it make me angry and bring me down.

I need to stop going back to past crap!!

I need to learn how to move on.


Dearest Janet,

All emotions are there to communicate something to you.

If you’ve tried letting go and that has not helped, may we suggest you allow the anger up to be fully seen, fully felt and fully integrated?

Anger is a powerful emotion that brings shift, new insights, boundaries and transformation. It’s safe to feel anger and to hear the messages it brings to you.

There is also an element of self-protection to this as well. You have felt unsafe in the past and there is a part of you that replays these past events in order to KEEP you safe.

We suggest that you allow the anger to speak to you, honor what comes up and give yourself full permission to feel the fullness of the emotion.

If you want some direction with that, Erin-Ashley’s White Light Meditation might be a perfect fit to help you shift that energy.


I have been meditating for several months now; and I am still unable to figure out what makes my heart sings.

Thank you,

Dear Susette,

Follow whatever lights your heart up just a little more than it is already. Allow yourself to be led by slight increases in happiness, ease and joy. The more you allow those small shifts, the easier it is to step into whatever makes your heart sing.


That’s it for today!

Armani chooses a handful of questions to answer each week.

We publish Armani’s responses every Wednesday.

Click here to learn more about Armani.

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    Check back in on Wednesdays to see if your question was one that Armani answered.

    If you’d like to ensure you do receive guidance from Armani about your specific situation, you can book a reading with Armani and have your question answered.

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