Ask Armani #6: How to make big decisions (even when you feel stuck)

how to make big decisions Every Wednesday, I ask Armani a few questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers.

Armani is the collective consciousness of some non-physical peeps who love vibration and the law of attraction.

Read on to see questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers followed by Armani’s responses.

Scroll all the way to the bottom to learn how you can get your question answered!


Hello and thank you, Armani!

I am struggling with several important decisions right now, but the one that has me most baffled is how to choose the right curriculum for my twins’ homeschooling.

They’re preschoolers, and I found a good company, but it just seems like I spend so much time trying to plan what to do that I don’t have time to do it.

I want to organize my life — our lives — into a sustainable rhythm, but it seems like I’m constantly being thrown curveballs.

Toxic family reappears. Vacation. Illness. You name it.

And I’m unbelievably tired.

I am medicated for depression and anxiety, but I find myself lacking the mental energy to even tackle meal planning — or perhaps, more accurately, meal planning has become so complicated and loaded with importance because of multiple food allergies that it, along with curriculum planning, has become too daunting to tackle.

Any advice?

Thank you, and much love,

Rachel A.

Dearest Rachel,

It seems to us you are outlining the beauty and complexity of life. There’s no such thing as “perfect.”

For now, we recommend you take the pressure off of yourself.

Let the bigger decisions stay stagnant for a while as you allow yourself to integrate all of the emergencies that have come up for you.

Yes, a rhythm will be lovely, but rushing into a rhythm will only lead to overwhelm and exhaustion.

Focus on small decisions.

Honor the smallest decisions that you can make that take you closer to your desire for rhythm.

What’s the single next step that will allow you to have more rhythm that is also easy to do?

Honor that.

The rest will get easier with the foundation.


Hi Armani,

It’s a time of some great upheaval and I’m noticing patterns that I’m concerned about.

In my past I’ve been the girl who didn’t know when to give up on people, and as a consequence I’ve been trampled a time or two (ok, or more than two).

I don’t WANT to give up on this person because I genuinely believe that he’s doing his best to be the man I need him to be — but I’m worried that I’m slipping back into old codependency patterns and that I will be too blind to actually make a judgment to give him up if it’s necessary.

Help! How can I be more confident in my ability to make hard choices?


Dearest Elisa,

What you speak of is the skill of discernment.

We suggest that you hold a clear vision in your mind of both who you wish to be with and who you wish to be.

It’s not about giving up on people. It’s about honoring what it is that you truly desire and whether those in your life are making the genuine effort to step into that role.

You have the gift of seeing people’s potential, which can cloud your ability to see who they are choosing to be in the moment. Your insight means you can always bring compassion to the relationship and understanding to their own thought processes, beliefs and excuses.

In order to move forward, we recommend you honor that you can see why they may not be ready to grow, and choose to honor your heart’s desires anyway. True faith begets action. True alignment begets matching results.

If your relationships reflect back to you that they know what they want but are choosing inaction, it’s safe to walk away. If your relationships reflect back to you that they are creating clarity and moving towards their heart’s desires, you can witness and honor their process.

All of this applies to you, as well. As within, so without. If you find your relationships fall flat, you may be hiding in your own excuses in your life.

We are not here to pressure or shame you, rather to ask you to look where you could be kinder and more compassionate to yourself as you take action towards what you know you want and desire.


Dear Armani,

I have been struggling for sometime.

I know there is much getting in my way and I am ready to change.

I feel there is so much and I am looking for direction — what to work on, where to focus my energy.

Just looking for some guided direction.

Thank you.


Dearest Taryn,

We suggest you do not look at what is getting in your way.

Instead look at the areas of your life that are going right.

Focus on what IS working.

Focus on what IS going well, even if it is small for now.

Focus on what parts of your day light you up and how you can bring more of that into your day.

When you shift your focus from the “stuckness” and what is not working and bring it to what IS working, you create a mindset and foundation that allows you to create huge transformation with baby steps.



That’s it for today!

Armani chooses a handful of questions to answer each week.

We publish Armani’s responses every Wednesday.

Click here to learn more about Armani.

To Ask Armani a question, write your name, email and your question, frustration or block in the form below.

    Check back in on Wednesdays to see if your question was one that Armani answered.

    If you’d like to ensure you do receive guidance from Armani about your specific situation, you can book a reading with Armani and have your question answered.


    1. camilla says:

      I enjoyed reading the solutions to everyone’s problems. I would so like to submit something on my life. So often, for as long as I can remember, things have been going wrong for me. I desperately needed an orthopaedic bed as my spine is ‘crumbling’ due to advanced arthritis. The sales assistant told me she had 2 ortho beds and taking me into the showroom, walked past the first one saying that would be too hard for me and so when we stopped at the second bed I assumed that was the second ortho bed and bought it but when it was delivered it wasn’t an ortho bed and they have refused to refund my money. As I’m a pensioner, I can’t go and buy another bed – it’s a major purchase. I feel tired, very unwell and feel like giving up as these sorts of things happen to me repeatedly. Sorry to sound so gloomy. Please advise me.

      1. Erin-Ashley says:

        Hi Camilla, could you send this question to That’s how we organize all the questions each week.Sending you love, EA

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