Before I understood the intuition, I got a lot of psychic hits. But I didn’t do a damn thing with them because I didn’t know what they meant. Can you say frustrating? I hated it.
And because I didn’t know how to interpret them properly I made all kinds of incorrect assumptions about myself:
Being psychic is as natural as breathing. It’s SO natural, in fact, that if you’re breathing you have a psychic ability.
We all have a “sixth” sense (which is a hell of a lot more complicated than a single extra sense, but… work with me here.)
This sense allows us to find the actions, attitudes and people who are for our highest good, health, wealth and happiness. It allows us to be aligned, find fulfilling work, and enjoy this crazy thing called life.
Buuuut what happens if we don’t know how to utilize this sense? KEEP READING
“Hey, EA, can I turn my intuition off?”
I’ve been asked this question (or something similar) hundreds of times over the years.
The short answer is: nope.
The intuition is just like any other sense and you can’t turn your physical senses off. The human body just doesn’t work that way.
In the video I talk about why you *may* want to turn your intuition off, what to do instead and how to have a great relationship with it. 🙂
Try ONE of the techniques I outline in the video and comment below. KEEP READING
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