Are Your Chakras Spinning the Wrong Way?

In the metaphysical community there’s a lot of talk about the right and wrong way to spin your chakras.

This is important because when you spin your chakras correctly, energy flows through you easily and effortlessly, and you radiate good health and vibrancy.

When your chakras are clogged or not spinning correctly, energy gets stuck, you feel lethargic, will experience more physical ailments, and just won’t feel on top of the world.

In the video below, I teach you how to spin your chakras the right way, so you can experience all the health, vibrancy and abundance you deserve (which is a ton!)


The Power of Alignment

Alignment picIn spiritual circles, we like to throw out the word “alignment” a lot. It’s a great word!

It can mean so many things, and there are so many applications to real life it’s almost overwhelming.

If your back is out of alignment, you get all kinds of aches and pains.

If your beliefs are out of alignment, your emotions create pain.

But how do you use it in a practical manner? Can it actually help you get real world stuff and things and gadgets?

Yes. Yes it can.


Do You Have Leaky Chakra Syndrome?

Do you have leaky chakra syndrome?

Leaky chakra syndrome is a “condition” that occurs when you have your energy a little too open.

You get other people’s emotional stuff in your energy field, and even when you are no longer around them, the energy and emotions are!

Watch the video below to see if you have it and learn what to do about it!

In the comments below, let me know if you’ve ever experienced leaky chakra syndrome and how you handled it.

Have a cool tip for dealing with leaky chakra syndrome?


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