Are empaths real?
I was cruising around on some forums earlier today and I saw this question that I simply had to answer!
An empath is a person who is able to experience what other people are experiencing as they experience it.
It is closely related to a skill all of us have called empathy.
We know what it’s like to be sad because we’ve been sad. When we see someone sad, we often feel sad, too.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. KEEP READING
In March 2009 a friend of mine suggested I read “Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep From Dating Yourself!” written by Marie Forleo. He was someone I trusted, and I wanted to have a soul level connection with someone, so I got the book immediately.
I read it in about two days, and started making suggested changes in how present I was and throwing out old beliefs that weren’t attractive or beneficial to hold on to. I enjoyed her style enough that I immediately hopped on her emailing list.A KEEP READING
When I refer to emotional clutter, I’m referring to your thoughts and feelings that are left over from previous interactions, especially those that are not favorable. For instance, if you were in a bad relationship and you are still experiencing quite a bit of anger or guilt about the relationship, this would be emotional clutter. Emotional clutter is a saboteur. It clouds our perception, takes us away from the present moment and destroys our ability to accurately sense truth. It’s insidious in nature, because many of the ways that we receive intuitive information are the same ways that this emotional clutter present themselves. KEEP READING
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