How to Deal With Being a Physical Empath

When I was a newly aware Empath, I often got other people’s physical “stuff” when I went out in public.

Usually it was headaches or joint pain, and it would come on with no warning and I simply assumed it was my own pain.

Over the years I’ve learned differently.

In this video I explain exactly what you can do to stay strong, happy and pain free in public as a Physical Empath.


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Traveling as an Empath – Three Tips

As I write this I’m sitting in a coffee shop enjoying a cup of joe after a VERY long weekend of packing up the house to move from Las Vegas, NV to Portland,  Oregon.

In the middle of the holiday season.

As a sensitive person and an Empath, it is a struggle sometimes to stay balanced and relaxed when I have family obligations and travel.

Watch the video below to see my top three tips to traveling as an Empath WITHOUT taking on everyone else’s stress.


Am I An Empath?

It’s easy to confuse being an empath with being empathetic.

In this 4 minute video, I break down how to EASILY know whether you are truly an empath or not.

Plus, at 2:28 I give a great explanation of empathy vs. being an empath that you can use on friends and family that just don’t understand. Don’t be hard on them, they haven’t walked in your shoes. 😉


In the comments below, let me know whether you are an EMPATH or HIGHLY EMPATHIC or BOTH.


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