As an Empath, I know how difficult it can be to keep my energy clear of other people’s emotions, thoughts and other energetic “stuff.”
I used to struggle with it a lot, and one of the questions I get asked most frequently by Empaths is “How do I keep other people’s energy out of mine?”
I have three great tips for you in this video PLUS an exercise that will help you clear out the energy once it’s in your system.
Click below to watch the video. KEEP READING
That’s a beautiful world. That’s one I imagine everyday.
Imagine a world where every time YOU felt called by your soul to work on something, you could do it with confidence and a full sense of faith that all-is-well with the world.
The problem is that psychically and energetically sensitive people have chronic confidence and empowerment issues.
And I heard about it in my classes. KEEP READING
This is the final video in our Tour of the Clairs!
In this video you’ll learn the 5 sign posts for claircognizance, the surprising “hangover” that can happen after you GET information via claircognizance AND how to develop this psychic skill.
And I remind you that claircognizance, just like the other clairs, IS a skill. It IS something you can develop, if you wish.
This video will show you exactly how to develop it.
Click on the video below to watch!
Have you ever had a claircognizant hangover? KEEP READING
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