How to Release Stress On the Go (even in public restrooms!)

Psychic Sunday is a little different today!

I’m doing my beautiful travel thing and while traveling my equipment decided to crap out! Oh no! So instead of a video episode of Psychic Sunday, today I’m going old school.

I’m using words instead of video.

Don’t worry, this won’t be a regular thing, but when life hands you lemons, you go down to the coffee shop and get some frickin’ coffee. 😉

Of course, once you’re in the coffee shop, you have a whole bunch of people who are drinking coffee and emoting at the same time.


Is it a Psychic Headache or Sinus Headache?

When I was younger and didn’t understand how energy worked, I noticed that every time I went to the mall I would end up with a headache.

I simply assumed it was the noise, the bustle or the chemicals of the clothes.

At least, until I was trained as a professional intuitive.

Then I learned that these headaches could actually be prevented!

I had some control over them!

It was awesome to have a no-pill 1 minute cure to the headaches.

In this 5:53 video, I’ll teach you what I learned.


Why Bad Karma is BS!

When I was first introduced to karma, I thought it was folklore and superstition. I’ll admit that I didn’t put much faith in it, UNTIL I understood its true purpose.

In the video below, I talk about what karma is (and is NOT), the cause of karma, and how to change your experience in 4 simple steps!

After you’ve watched the video, comment below with…

  1. The one area of your life or your body where you feel pain. This can be emotional OR physical.
  2. Write down a belief you hold about that area of your life or body.


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