Psychic Sunday is a little different today!
I’m doing my beautiful travel thing and while traveling my equipment decided to crap out! Oh no! So instead of a video episode of Psychic Sunday, today I’m going old school.
I’m using words instead of video.
Don’t worry, this won’t be a regular thing, but when life hands you lemons, you go down to the coffee shop and get some frickin’ coffee. 😉
Of course, once you’re in the coffee shop, you have a whole bunch of people who are drinking coffee and emoting at the same time. KEEP READING
When I was younger and didn’t understand how energy worked, I noticed that every time I went to the mall I would end up with a headache.
I simply assumed it was the noise, the bustle or the chemicals of the clothes.
At least, until I was trained as a professional intuitive.
Then I learned that these headaches could actually be prevented!
I had some control over them!
It was awesome to have a no-pill 1 minute cure to the headaches.
In this 5:53 video, I’ll teach you what I learned. KEEP READING
When I was first introduced to karma, I thought it was folklore and superstition. I’ll admit that I didn’t put much faith in it, UNTIL I understood its true purpose.
In the video below, I talk about what karma is (and is NOT), the cause of karma, and how to change your experience in 4 simple steps!
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