The 7 Fundamentals of an Intuitive Lifestyle

Originally, I was going to write this article about using spirituality as an escape mechanism in our lives, and how spirituality is meant to be used as a support mechanism.

I had the outline, the title picked out and had even found a great picture to include in the post.

Heck, I even wrote half the article on Tuesday, only to discover that something about it wasn’t resonating.

Sure, it’s a great topic, and I may even write about it in the future, but something just didn’t feel right.


What is Your Guilt Trying to Teach You?

Guilt is one of those emotions I really love to hate.

I don’t enjoy it, I want it gone the second I recognize its presence and I would REALLY like to write it off as a useless emotion that I never have to spend any time on.

Unfortunately for me, guilt is an emotion that is here to be a teacher.

It’s here to guide me (and you) to my highest truth and to reveal where my thoughts, actions and beliefs don’t match up to my highest expression of self.


How to Love the Crap Out of Your Life

As humans, we have this weird and fascinating tendency to want to polarize people, events and circumstances. We like to make them “good” and “bad,” “right” and “wrong.”

But does that polarization help us?

Yes, sometimes it does.

The polarization helps us to see what we like and enjoy, as well as what we don’t like and don’t enjoy. It’s offering us contrast so we can decide exactly what is going to serve us in the future.

But the problem is that most of us LIVE in this polarization, without taking the time to identify when labeling something is hurting rather than helping us.


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