I don’t know about you, but when I used to think about prayer, I would imagine people on their knees, hands folded in front of them, asking God for favors, deliverance or forgiveness. Maybe all three.
And while that was good and all, there was something about it that was a turnoff. Perhaps it was the idea of an all-knowing God that I had to give deference to, or maybe it was the idea that I needed favors from this God, and that I couldn’t do it myself. KEEP READING
Have you ever been in a position where everything seemed to be going well, perhaps very well, in an area of your life, and then BOOM! It’s like everything falls apart simultaneously?
Have you been in a situation where you don’t take opportunities that look great on paper due to fear or uncertainty? Do you chalk it up to intuition, but later have doubts?
If so, you could be bumping into your own upper limits and sabotaging your success.
Upper limits are unconscious beliefs about how the world works and how successful we are supposed to be. KEEP READING
It’s commonly believed that people who are psychic have some sort of “extra” sense. That they have something that “normal” people don’t.
That’s a myth.
It used to be believed that we had only 5 senses, and a psychic gift was a 6th sense. Now scientists believe that we have anywhere from 14 – 22 senses. I suspect that they will discover others with time.
It has been my experience, as a professional intuitive and as a profession intuition mastery coach, that these perfectly ordinary senses can pick up much more than what we tend give them credit for. KEEP READING
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