How Denial Disrupts Your Intuition

Think for a moment about the word “denial.” Its root is “deny.”

Denying is — by definition — the antithesis of what the intuition is all about.

The intuition is a four step process.

  1. Tuning into what is in your present moment awareness.
  2. Accepting it.
  3. Listening to it. (This includes any necessary interpretation.)
  4. Acting on it.

Denial destroys the intuitive process at the second step.

Anatomy of Denial

Most denial is caused by ignoring our truth in favor of fear or the ego. Then, we feel guilty for stepping out of our truth.


Why it’s so Damn Hard to Forgive, and How to do it Anyway

Forgiveness is courageous, soul changing,  life-liberating work!

It’s also damn hard. It’s so damn hard that few people ever take the time to truly forgive the hurts of the past and heal.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”  ~Buddha

Almost everyone recognizes that Forgiveness > Anger. 

I was talking to my friend, Amy Barilla “The Reiki Gal”, about what blocks us from forgiveness about a week ago.


How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides and Angels

Being able to consciously contact and commune with my spirit guides and angels is one of the biggest blessings in my life. If I have a question, a concern or anything else that is on my mind that I would like divine guidance on, it’s invaluable to be able to go right to my team and talk it over.

Luckily, this isn’t a skill that only a special few possess. You can do this, too.

It’s a skill; it’s not some magical power that only a few people have.


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