“Hey, EA, can I turn my intuition off?”
I’ve been asked this question (or something similar) hundreds of times over the years.
The short answer is: nope.
The intuition is just like any other sense and you can’t turn your physical senses off. The human body just doesn’t work that way.
In the video I talk about why you *may* want to turn your intuition off, what to do instead and how to have a great relationship with it. 🙂
Try ONE of the techniques I outline in the video and comment below. KEEP READING
In this episode of Psychic Sunday I tackle a huuuuuuge and sensitive topic: Trauma.
Trauma affects the intuition. There are many people who become very intuitive because of trauma and many people whose intuition will go silent after trauma.
There are *many* different types of trauma… in this episode, I’ll cover emotional and physical trauma.
Please note that this IS a sensitive subject and everyone experiences trauma differently.
I am making wide sweeping generalizations in order to break down what I see happen most commonly – I am certainly not trying to comment on each and every individual case. KEEP READING
A few months ago I had a quiet spell with my intuition. I heard very little guidance other than when I was actively doing readings for someone else or doing a shamanic clearing session.
To say I was frustrated by this would be an understatement. I like my intuition like I like my music – loud. Practically burst your eardrum loud (but not quite.)
I don’t like not knowing exactly what to do next on my physical life journey. (But I still want a *little* mystery, to keep things interesting. KEEP READING
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