Heart Chakra Basics for Empaths

This is lesson 5 of 8 in the Chakra Basics for Empaths series.

This lesson is all about the heart chakra. The heart chakra has to do with compassion, caring, and the desire to make the world a better place with your presence in it.

With the heart chakra, there are only two main things you need to know to understand its function:

  1. Whether it’s open or closed
  2. Whether it’s active or inactive

Click below to watch.

To download the ebook that explains the poses in more detail, just right click here —> The Sensitive Soul SOUL-ution

Once you’ve tried the exercise, go ahead and comment!


Chakra Basics for Empaths

Well hello there!

This week I’m excited because the next few trainings will be ALL about the chakras. Especially, the chakras for Empaths.

This is the quick overview, so go ahead and dive in.

A few notes: The chakras are experienced a bit differently by each person. You may or may not end up experiencing them exactly the same as I do. In fact, it’s unlikely that you do.

So keep an open mind and keep track of how YOU experience your chakras. Your own intuition is your best guide.


What Does it Mean When I See Colors When I Meditate?

Have you ever wondered what those color swirls were in your meditations? Do you see them and wonder if they have messages for you? Or do you figure your brain is just creating pretty patterns because it’s bored.

In this week’s episode, I talk all about those visuals, what they mean and how to interpret them.

You can check it out here.

Like I mentioned in the video, you can get your chakra meditation and PDF download at www.spiritualmechanic.com (just follow the link).

Also, if you’re clairvoyant, you may want to check out the Unleash Your Psychic Genius course, since it teaches you how to understand your gifts and best use them.


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